Contact Your State Legislators

A well-written letter is one of the best ways to let your legislator know your thoughts and opinions about a particular issue.

Here are some tips for getting your message across effectively:

  • Be brief. Legislators have many demands on their time. They appreciate letters that are short and to the point.
  • Put the message in your own words. Form letters and petitions don’t have the same impact as personal, informed opinions.
  • Address your letter to a specific legislator or legislators. Depending on your message, you may want to write to the sponsor of a bill, certain members of a committee, or your own legislators.
  • Don’t address your letter to the entire Legislature.
  • Identify bills by their number, title, and sponsor.
  • Explain your position on the bill and ask for the legislator’s support or opposition.
  • Give any sources of information that you use to make your point.
  • Include your name, address, and a little about who you are (for example, where you work or what school you attend).

Address Your letters to:

Senator ______________
Montana Senate
PO Box 200500
Helena, MT 59620-0500

Montana House of Representatives
PO Box 200400
Helena, MT 59620-0400

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